Tulsa YMCA

New Yoga at the YMCA!

Exciting news everyone! Well, exciting for me anyway! Beginning next Monday, May 23 I will be leading 2 yoga classes at the Owasso Family YMCA.

From 10:00 - 10:55am I will be leading a General Yoga class for all levels in the Mind & Body Studio.

Then, from 12:00 - 12:55pm I will be leading an Active Adult Chair Yoga class in the Fitness Studio.

The Owasso Y is fully stocked with yoga mats, blocks, straps, blankets, and chairs so if you're new to yoga or don't have your own gear don't let that stop you from joining us for some self care on our yoga mats!

The Owasso Y is in a beautiful building and it's filled with lovely, and helpful staff members. To find out more about classes at the Tulsa YMCA (http://ymcatulsa.org/classes) or about the Owasso Y (http://ymcatulsa.org/owasso) check out their website. As always, if you have any questions just leave a comment or shoot me an email at yogawithleta@gmail.com.


-Leta (The Yogi)